Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It was not unusual for Chetan to put this word as his custom message on the Gmail Talk. Well, this is something to notice; now a days the hidden personality being revealed on the web differently. However. Chetan and his creative musings are a good combination; since I know him as a mentor and friend for last a decade. He is in the core list of friends..

But this blog is not about Chetan, it is about Serenus. It is a latin word meaning calm and serene. Also some words that follow the same line are Serena or Serenity

Selene is the Roman Goddess of Moon. The beauty is the story that follows. Selene is known for her countless love affairs. The most famous of her loves is the shepherd Endymion. Other affairs of Selene's include involvement with Zeus and also Pan.

The details can be found at and

Endymion was a legendary character in Greek mythology. His is a unconventional love story. It is said that in time Selene bore the handsome mortal fifty daughters. Scholars have suggested that the number of daughters is symbolic, with each daughter possibly representing an individual month of an Olympiad. The details of his compelling legend have inspired art, poetry, and literature over the centuries.

The myth is twisted a bit to accommodate the mortal and an immortal engagement with each other. As a mortal, Endymion was subject to aging and death. But the Goddess Selene is young and beautiful for all times. To solve this, the Goddess of the Moon cast a spell on her lover, making him sleep forever. In this state of eternal slumber, Endymion kept both his youth and his good looks.

But as it goes "Endymion was visited by Selene every night and softly kissed by her rays of light".

I am not sure whether Selene and Endymion live for ever or not; but they live as the epitome of their love. Most importantly Selene lives in the words; and Serenus is one of them.

Chetan says he has a special liking for the word....GOD knows why, he will not reveal, and he goes one step further, to name his future baby in this name..Well; we all wait .....

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