Friday, November 24, 2006

Near death experience and Superconcsiousness...

Mellen-Thomas Benedict is an artist who survived a near-death experience in 1982. His experience is at :

Somewhere; it is said that these experiences are common to people who leave the aspiraiton of life towards the end; try ot see the world in a different way and are ready to face death. Research has a different point all together. Realistic views of life deny this factor all together.
The saints and sadhus of India or Hinduism has many such mention of experiences. Specially if one goes to Varanasi or Allahabad, there are many Sadhus who will always mention this aspect of life and tell the stories of nearness to God and Death many a times. However, not to mention that, some of them are good are in meditation for long hours.

Some of the stories of Manoj Das ( also mentions this view. he says such experiences may be spiritual; but there may be some truth in it. He himself has gone to the way of searhing soul and has dedicated to the service at the Aurobindo Ashram. Prof. Das Says " Today's man is so preoccupied with his present that the future remains behind the curtain of his vision. He is not ready to ponder over the future because he feels it is very uncertain, and even a little inward thought digs out memories of a past burdened with agonies and woes."

Whatever it may be, these stories mention the presence of the wider life beyond the human. It makes the linkage with the spiritual world. There is a control somewhere, there is a dynamic world beyond life and what science has found till now. Hopefully as we explore further, there will be more and more findings.

Question is - which path of exploration should one adopt? Is it the way Scientists and Psychologists try to explore? Is it the way The Near to death researchers try to explore? Or is it the way he has suggested in the book The Monk who sold his ferrari??

- Question perhpas will come when one is ready to explore..!!!!! In waiting for that day .....

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